Project Overview for USAFast (
Background: USAFast, is a growing courier service in Costa Rica, specializes in offering competitively priced import solutions for online shopping products from the USA and China. Initially, the brand relied on self-created designs and lacked a cohesive marketing strategy.
Objective: To elevate the brand's market presence and streamline customer interactions, a comprehensive rebranding initiative was launched, beginning with the development of a Brand Book and a strategic marketing plan.
Approach: The project commenced with an in-depth market research phase aimed at understanding the competitive landscape and identifying the needs of potential clients. This research was pivotal in recognizing a crucial industry insight—customer distrust towards courier services and the complexity of typical courier websites in Costa Rica. 
Several benchmarks where created to case study the use of the couriers in the country, and understand how people prefer to consume the service. This led to understanding that most customers prefer not to follow on socials but would like a close interaction via WhatsApp and emails. 
Strategy Implementation: Guided by these insights, the rebrand focused on simplifying user interaction with the website and enhancing transparency to build trust with the clientele. The Brand Book was designed to realign all marketing materials with this new strategic vision, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly brand experience.  
We proceded to run Meta Ads, with different strategies in place, until we found a couple of ads that where performing 50 times better than the others, we then proceded to scale (you can see two examples in the videos).
Outcome: This strategic overhaul has significantly enhanced USAFast's market positioning. Within six months of implementing the new brand strategy, USAFast achieved a remarkable 30% growth in sales. Furthermore, the company has maintained a consistent monthly growth rate between 2%-5% in sales, indicating a steady and sustainable increase in customer engagement and trust. This success underscores the effectiveness of the rebranding efforts and the importance of aligning with customer needs. 

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